For schools that care about the parent experience

Fully branded

Your name, logo & colour palette

All comms

Portals, webpages, newsletters, social - all in one place

Social channels

Stream Facebook, Instagram & X


Track improved engagement

Push notifications

Send notifications direct to your users

App stores

Available on the App Store and Google Play

Make your social content visible

Social media algorithms are now so aggressive that typically only 10% of your followers see each post.

Now everyone can see your content, in one easy-to-use place.

Centralise your communications

Your community wants to find your communications easily.

Put it in their hands, on their phones, in their pockets.

What schools say

"We introduced the app to allow our current parents, and future families, to keep up to date with our news and events. Having everything available in one place, and accessible on a phone, has been a massive plus and warmly received."
Debbie Atkins, Director of External Relations, Fettes College
“I wanted to drop you a quick note to say how brilliant the new school app is. It looks great, is very user friendly and it is fantastic to have so much key information so easily available on the phone. Thank you very much for putting in place this initiative.”
Parent to Headmaster, Willington Prep

Request a demo

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We’re excited to learn more about what you're looking for and will be in touch within 24 hours.

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We look forward to speaking with you soon!
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